
查尔斯B博物馆的新壁画. Degenstein Campus Center is the result of 浩博体育app’s dedicated effort to bring to life a piece of art that celebrates the diversity and breadth of the campus community.

The yearlong process of conceiving the mural included a series of story circles with student members from the Asian Cultural Association, 拉丁裔学生协会, 黑人学生会, 性别与性联盟, 国际学生协会, 全国黑人妇女大会和Phi Beta Sigma. 利用学生的故事和思考, 当地艺术家马塞勒斯·哈蒙德开始将他们的艺术愿景变为现实. 被鲜艳的色彩包裹着, the mural features several Susquehanna students painted against a backdrop of the Susquehanna River and a sun-filled sky, 所有这些都是由四张不同的脸组成的.

哈蒙德和威尔·麦卡洛, 他在命运刷子公司的合伙人, 一家致力于将艺术带入生活的企业, 从头到尾拍摄了壁画的制作过程, 创建一个视觉档案,与未来的苏学生分享.

位于校园中心朝东的外墙, 壁画还具有真人增强现实组件. 扫描二维码后, the mural comes to life on viewers’ smartphones with animation and sound effects and a selection of video interviews with students and university leadership.

The creation of the mural was supported by funding from Susquehanna’s Student Government Association.